The United States Is the Most Wasteful Country In the World.
We’re number one! We’re number one!

A traveling turtle came across a global village where no one shared nourishment. Turning her shell into a pot, she added water and dropped a stone into it. As she cooked this each villager asked what she was doing. She replied she was making “stone turtle soup”, which tasted wonderful, but it seemed it was still missing something. Tempted, each villager agreed to add an ingredient to help it out. With each addition, the soup transformed into a tasty, nutritious meal she shared with everyone…
Did you follow the above link? Did anything spark your curiosity or interest? Know anyone interested or could use the items? If not, then check back often. New items will be listed frequently. I don’t want to land fill or storage war them, I really don’t need them, can not foresee ever needing them, know they still have some usefulness to somebody, and have no idea the value of anything anymore, especially in today’s economy. So, if you feel so inclined, feel free to help and pm me…
- All items listed are given only to those who really need it, are interested in finding new ways to recycle and reuse things, have some use for it and/or want to take part in supporting me in my experiment on how to do the same for myself.
- Intended use must be expressed when placing a request. Yes, I could just take a lot of these things to Goodwill or thrift shops, and yes I could always use the money, but that is not the point of why I am doing this. Though I may list how much I paid for something, or what others value it at, I am purposefully not listing any prices for items. This is not only to find new homes for things, to simplify my life of things I don’t want or need anymore, but mostly because it is to meant to get people to think beyond money and I am inviting others to join me in that quest.
- Follow up on how it was used, for publication in the blog, is requested as part of the agreement. This can be done as a journal, article, photos, videos, or be creative and come up with your own ideas to pass along to others. The purpose is to use our talents and imagination and get more people to think in ways that help cut down on wasting so much resources and rethink how much we throw away.
- Those with the highest usefulness, or need, are given priority.
- If a purchase amount is agreed upon for any items, Venmo or cash is preferred, but other arrangements can be considered. If items are resold in any manner, fair compensation of some sort is expected. Compensation in trade, or donation to charity, can be considered. If trade is considered, as a recipient, I would be glad to also report on how the traded items were used. If the donation is done to a charity, the charity would be featured in the same manner.
- Arrangements for pick-up must be made to receive items.
- Artists, small business owners, crafters, people in disadvantaged situations who are putting their life back together, and those with forward thinking minds, are encouraged to participate.
- Some items will be nice and some will seem like things to send to landfills. The goal is to do in depth studies into all of the things we buy and have, find ways to relook at all of these things, what we throw away…and come up with ways to reduce, recycle and repurpose as much as possible.
- If you have something you want to contribute to the ‘pot’, let me know.
- When an item has found a new home, it will be noted and the blog post and updated when its new family sends updates about its adventures.